How long should I expect to wait before seeing activity in my yeast starter?
I usually see activity in my yeast starters in the first twelve hours after pitching the yeast. This time, however, I haven't seen anything for 48 hours. No bubbling, no signs of floating yeast and it still smells like unfermented wort.
I made the starter as I always do. 3 liters of 1.040 (10 °P) wort with a quarter teaspoon yeast nutrient, cooled to ~22°C (71.6°F) and oxygenated using an air pump with a filter before pitching the yeast.
This is White Labs WLP500 Monastery Ale Yeast. The best-before date is December 31, 2015.
Should I be worried or is a delay this long normal?
Topic starter yeast-starters yeast homebrew
Category Mac