How to Add Custom Button to Text(HTML) Editor and NOT Visual Editor
I followed this tutorial which is adding a custom button into Visual Editor
as it is supposed to. But this is not adding the button into the Text(HTML)
Editor. Can you please let me know how I can add my own button into Text(HTML)
Editor only (or at least both! and not Visual one)
function enqueue_plugin_scripts($plugin_array)
//enqueue TinyMCE plugin script with its ID.
$plugin_array[green_button_plugin] = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . index.js;
return $plugin_array;
add_filter(mce_external_plugins, enqueue_plugin_scripts);
function register_buttons_editor($buttons)
//register buttons with their id.
array_push($buttons, green);
return $buttons;
add_filter(mce_buttons, register_buttons_editor);
Topic html-editor visual-editor theme-development Wordpress
Category Web