How to add custom regex validation to WPForms password field
I'm using WPForms Pro and I'd like to add custom requirements to the password field on a form.
I know that the password field has a password strength requirement setting, but I have specific rules I'd like to enforce, which are:
- Between 12 and 32 characters
- At least 1 number
- At least 1 capital letter
- At least 1 special character
I came up with the following regex for this: ^(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[@$!%*?])[A-Za-z\d@$!%*?]{12,32}$
and wrote to WPForms support, who told me that they can only go as far as giving me a code snippet to enforce a minimum length:
* Require number of characters allowed for an input field
* Apply the class wpf-char-require to the field to enable.
function wpf_dev_char_require() {
script type=text/javascript
$('.wpf-char-require input').attr('minlength',4); // Change number to character requirement (input fields)
add_action( 'wpforms_wp_footer', 'wpf_dev_char_require' );
(I'd add the wpf-char-require
class to the field I want to validate).
How can I modify this to validate using my regex instead of the rule they've given me?
Topic validation regex forms Wordpress
Category Web