How to add "get_theme_mod" inside a shortcode?

I want to make dynamic the content inside a shortcode so I can modify it in the customizer. I created the customizer tabs. Now, I want to create a shortcode to place it anywhere in the page while being able to manipulate in the customizer.

This is the code I'm working on. Thanks!

Plugin Name: ....

// Exit if accessed directly

function customizer_inject_css()
    style type="text/css"
        :root {

            --theme-page-width: ?php echo get_theme_mod('theme_page_width', '1366px');

        .stm-template-car_dealer_two .container {
            max-width: var(--theme-page-width)!important;


add_shortcode( 'ui_gallery','function_gallery_shortcode' );
function function_gallery_shortcode(){
    $dynamic_h1 = "h1" . get_theme_mod('dymanich1') . "/h1";
    return $dynamic_h1;

    add_action( 'wp_head', 'customizer_inject_css');


    function register_customizer( WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize) {

        $wp_customize-add_panel( 'theme_extension_panel',
            'priority'            = 2,
            'capability'        = 'edit_theme_options',
            'title'                = __('Theme Extensions'),
            'description'        = __(''),
        ) );

            $wp_customize-add_section("general_section", array(
                "title"            = __("General"),
                "priority"    = 1,
                "panel"        = "theme_extension_panel"

                $wp_customize-add_setting( 'theme_page_width', array(
                    "transport"        = "refresh",
                    "default"        = "",
                ) );
                    new WP_Customize_Control(
                        'label'         = __(''),
                        'section'    = 'general_section',
                        'settings'   = 'theme_page_width',
                        "type"         = "text",
                        "description" = "Max Width",
                        'priority'      = 1
                    ) )

               $wp_customize-add_setting( 'dynamich1', array(
                    "transport"        = "refresh",
                    "default"        = "",
                ) );
                    new WP_Customize_Control(
                        'label'         = __(''),
                        'section'    = 'general_section',
                        'settings'   = 'dynamich1',
                        "type"         = "text",
                        "description" = "display h1",
                        'priority'      = 1
                    ) )


Topic theme-customizer get-theme-mod shortcode Wordpress

Category Web

I would comment, but lack the pointage... You seem to be on the right track:

I see that your shortcode callback and the function are named differently: (f_gallery_shortcode / function_gallery_shortcode).

Try this:

add_shortcode( 'ui_gallery','function_gallery_shortcode' );
function function_gallery_shortcode(){
    $dynamic_h1 = "<h1>" . get_theme_mod('dynamich1') . "</h1>";
    return $dynamic_h1;

now using [ui_gallery] in your posts, should return the results of your Customizer value <h1>dymanich1</h1>


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