How to add Pagination to foreach loop to page
I create a page in wordpress series.php
and here it the code where I block!
array( 'parent' = $cat-cat_ID)
foreach ($categories as $c) {
// what you really want instead of var_dump is something to
// to create markup-- list items maybe, For example
$idp = $c-term_taxonomy_id;
//then i get the data from the database
$cat_data = get_option("category_".$idp);
div class="wide-box"
!-- Content Detail Box --
a href="?php echo get_category_link( $idp ); ?" class="wb-image"img src="?php echo $cat_data['original_img']; ?"/a
!-- Wb Center --
div class="wb-center"
h3 class="wb-name"a href="?php echo get_category_link( $idp ); ?"?php echo $c-name; ?/a/h3
div class="wb-details"
Genres : ?php echo $cat_data['genres']; ?br
Country : ?php echo $cat_data['country']; ?br
Language : ?php echo $cat_data['language']; ?br
Year : ?php echo $cat_data['year']; ?
div class="latest-label"Latest Episode:/div
$catquery = new WP_Query( 'cat='.$idp.'posts_per_page=1' );
while($catquery-have_posts()) : $catquery-the_post();
a href="?php the_permalink() ?" class="latest-ep"?php the_title(); ?/a
?php endwhile; ?
!-- Wb Center --
So how to add paging for loop to show it?
Topic php categories pagination Wordpress
Category Web