How to add styles set by user in the customizer
I want my theme to be very customizable, and so far i have provided the possibility to change text and link colors to the body, plus the background color which comes by default (I'm using the underscores starter template: and background and link colors for the navigation bar.
The way i was able to implement this was by using the wp_add_inline_style that WordPress provides, which i learned with this excellent tutorial:
This is my code so far (Warning, not following WP coding standards):
function _s_customize_register($wp_customize) {
// $wp_customize-add_setting('navigation_logo');
// $wp_customize-add_control(new WP_Customize_Image_Control($wp_customize, 'navigation_logo', [
// 'label' = 'Kindly',
// 'section' = 'title_tagline',
// 'settings' = 'navigation_logo'
// ]));
$wp_customize-add_section('header_navigation', [
'title' = __('Header Navigation'),
'description' = __('Customize your header navigation'),
'priority' = 50
$wp_customize-add_setting('header_navigation_background_color', [
'default' = '#000',
'transport' = 'refresh',
'sanitize_callback' = 'sanitize_hex_color'
$wp_customize-add_setting('header_navigation_link_color', [
'default' = '#fff',
'transport' = 'refresh',
'sanitize_callback' = 'sanitize_hex_color'
$wp_customize-add_setting('text_color', [
'default' = '#000',
'transport' = 'refresh',
'sanitize_callback' = 'sanitize_hex_color'
$wp_customize-add_setting('link_color', [
'default' = '',
'transport' = 'refresh',
'sanitize_callback' = 'sanitize_hex_color'
$wp_customize-add_control(new WP_Customize_Color_Control($wp_customize, 'header_navigation_background_color', [
'section' = 'header_navigation',
'label' = esc_html__('Background color')
$wp_customize-add_control(new WP_Customize_Color_Control($wp_customize, 'header_navigation_link_color', [
'section' = 'header_navigation',
'label' = esc_html__('Link color')
$wp_customize-add_control(new WP_Customize_Color_Control($wp_customize, 'background_color', [
'section' = 'widgets',
'label' = esc_html__('Stuff color')
// 'settings' = ''
$wp_customize-add_control(new WP_Customize_Color_Control($wp_customize, 'text_color', [
'section' = 'colors',
'label' = esc_html__('Text color')
$wp_customize-add_control(new WP_Customize_Color_Control($wp_customize, 'link_color', [
'section' = 'colors',
'label' = esc_html__('Link Color')
// This is underscores code from here:
$wp_customize-get_setting('blogname')-transport = 'postMessage';
$wp_customize-get_setting('blogdescription')-transport = 'postMessage';
$wp_customize-get_setting('header_textcolor')-transport = 'postMessage';
if (isset($wp_customize-selective_refresh)) {
$wp_customize-selective_refresh-add_partial('blogname', [
'selector' = '.site-title a',
'render_callback' = '_s_customize_partial_blogname',
$wp_customize-selective_refresh-add_partial('blogdescription', [
'selector' = '.site-description',
'render_callback' = '_s_customize_partial_blogdescription',
add_action('customize_register', '_s_customize_register');
function theme_get_customizer_css()
$modificationsAndStyles = [
'text_color' = [
'body' = [
'link_color' = [
'a' = [
'header_navigation_background_color' = [
'.navigation' = [
'header_navigation_link_color' = [
'.menu-item a' = [
$css = '';
$indentation = str_repeat(' ', 4);
foreach ($modificationsAndStyles as $modification = $styles)
$themeModification = sanitize_hex_color(get_theme_mod($modification));
if (!empty($themeModification))
foreach ($styles as $selector = $properties)
$css .= "$selector {\n";
foreach ($properties as $property)
$css .= "$indentation$property: $themeModification;\n";
$css .= "}\n";
return $css;
function _s_scripts()
wp_enqueue_style('_s-style', get_stylesheet_uri());
// Custom modifications for the theme
// Got this code from this nicely nice tutorial:
// $custom_css = theme_get_customizer_css($modificationsAndStyles);
$custom_css = theme_get_customizer_css();
wp_add_inline_style('_s-style', trim($custom_css));
wp_enqueue_script('_s-navigation', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/navigation.js', [], '20151215', true);
wp_enqueue_script('_s-skip-link-focus-fix', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/skip-link-focus-fix.js', [], '20151215', true);
wp_enqueue_script('scrolling-behaviors', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/scrolling-behaviors.js');
wp_enqueue_script('interactions', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/interactions.js');
if (is_singular() comments_open() get_option('thread_comments'))
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', '_s_scripts');
It works pretty well. However, i'm not very sure about adding the styles as inline styles in the long run.
I also found another way:
And it looks nice, it adds styles to the head of the theme with the wp_head hook. However, i'm not sure if this is the best option either.
What are some ways i can allow users to change the styles for the theme through the customizer? What would be the best way?
Topic theme-customizer css theme-development Wordpress
Category Web