How to Add WYSIWYG Editor (tinyMCE) to plugin options page compatible with Wordpress 3.0 and up?

I'm trying to add tinyMCE instead of textarea for one of my options in my plugin with no luck so far. I tried this :

and this:

There seems to be some problem with styles as styles for tabs (HTML style/Visual style) dont work. Anybody knows about implementation that works 100% with WP 3.0 and up ?

Topic tinymce wysiwyg plugins Wordpress

Category Web

  function my_address_function(){

     update_option('special_content', $_POST['special_content']);

<div class='wrap'>
  <h2>My Super Admin Page</h2>
    <form method='post'>
          $content = get_option('special_content');
          wp_editor( $content, 'special_content', $settings = array('textarea_rows'=> '10') );

          submit_button('Save', 'primary');
  </div><!-- .wrap -->

Pre WP 3.3:

If you are using WP 3.3 or later you might look up wp_editor:

$settings = array(
    'teeny' => true,
    'textarea_rows' => 15,
    'tabindex' => 1
wp_editor(esc_html( __(get_option('whatever_you_need', 'whatever'))), 'terms_wp_content', $settings);

If I am reading your question correctly:

There's a checkbox in the options to show the custom styles of the theme.


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