How to adjust recipes for high mash / sparge efficiency?
It seems most recipes out there assume 75 - 80% efficiency*. Seems sensible for homebrewer. but I consistently get 95%. I should feel lucky, but this means that I either:
- have too much alcohol for the "amount of taste" I get, or
- have everything too diluted to get proper percentage of alcohol.
I don't know for sure why I'm getting this high extraction. Using way too much water is a thing of the past, but efficiency did not fall down. As suggested here I sparge pretty fast now - but this is limited by my setup, and I even let someone else crush my grain using his crusher. Didn't change a thing. So I give up.
How can I adjust recipes to offset for this?
Especially for red, brown and dark beers, what to do to get as close to styles as possible with these three:
- alcohol content
- color
- roasted, coffee, chocolate tastes
I can balance general maltiness with hops pretty OK, and my maltiness seems to go up with extract all right, so only the above ones are real problem now.
* In a sense used by Brewtarget, that is % of theoretical maximum yield malt can give, not % of malt weight alone.
Topic recipe-scaling all-grain mash homebrew efficiency
Category Mac