How to allow certain PHP functions when using sanitize_callback in the word press customizer
Hi I am making my own theme in WordPress and setting up some customizer options and I have one for the text in my footer but I would like to still use ? echo date('Y');?
in the footer to dynamically change the date so I don't have to keep going in and doing it manually but the sanitizer call-back obviously blocks it is there a way to still be able use that php function in the sanitizer
here is my code what I'm using
$wp_customize- add_setting('set_copyright', array(
'type' = 'theme_mod',
'default' = Copyright copy; ?php echo date('Y'); ? . All Rights Reserved,
'sanitize_callback' = 'esc_attr'
$wp_customize- add_control('ctrl_copyright', array(
'label' = 'Copyright Information',
'description' = 'Enter your copyright info',
'section' = 'sec_footer',
'settings' = 'set_copyright',
'type' = 'text',
footer class=main-footer
div class=copy pt-3 pb-3
div class=container
div class=row
div class=col text-center
p class=small m-0?php echo do_shortcode( get_theme_mod( 'set_copyright', Copyright copy; ?php echo date('Y'); ? . All Rights Reserved) ) ; ?/p
Topic theme-customizer sanitization theme-development Wordpress
Category Web