How to change custom post order ASC/DESC menu_order wise dynamically?

I have created custom post type in back end with sort menu_order post as you can see in the screenshot.

In back end sorting ASCENDING/DESCENDING working fine.

But I need to Sort ASC/DESC on the front side also.

When I click on order tab in back end It will be sorting the post in back end but not in front end.

How can I sort the custom post in front side when change in the back end?

Backend code

// ptype_gallery Custom Post Type
add_action( 'init', 'ptype_gallery_post_type' );
function ptype_gallery_post_type() {
    register_post_type( 'ptype_gallery',
            'labels' = array(
                'name' = __( 'Gallery', 'theme' ),
                'singular_name' = __( 'Gallery', 'theme' ),
                'add_new' =  __( 'Add New Gallery', 'theme' ),
                'add_new_item' =  __( 'Add New Gallery', 'theme' ),
                'edit_item' =  __( 'Edit Gallery', 'theme' ),
                'new_item' =  __( 'New Gallery', 'theme' ),
                'all_items' =  __( 'All Gallery', 'theme' ),
                'view_item' =  __( 'View Gallery', 'theme' ),
                'search_items' =  __( 'Search Gallery', 'theme' ),
                'not_found' =   __( 'No Gallery found', 'theme' ),
                'not_found_in_trash' =  __( 'No Gallery found in Trash', 'theme' ), 
                'parent_item_colon' = '',
                'menu_name' =  __( 'Gallery', 'theme')
        'public' = true,
        'has_archive' = true,
        'hierarchical' = false,
        'menu_position' = 26,      
        'supports' = array( 'title', 'page-attributes', 'thumbnail', 'editor' ), 
        'rewrite'  = array( 'slug' = 'gallery', 'with_front' = true ),
        'menu_icon' = 'dashicons-format-gallery',  // Icon Path

// MetaBox
add_action( 'admin_init', 'ptype_gallery_register_meta_box' );
function ptype_gallery_register_meta_box()
    // Check if plugin is activated or included in theme
    if ( !class_exists( 'RW_Meta_Box' ) )
    $prefix = 'ptype_gallery_';
    $meta_box = array(
            'id' = 'gallery-settings',
            'title' = 'Photo Gallery',
            'pages' = array( 'ptype_gallery' ),
            'context' = 'normal',
            'priority' = 'core',
            'fields' = array(          
                        'name' = 'Specifications',
                        'desc' = '',
                        'id' = $prefix . 'specs',
                        'type' = 'textarea',
                        'std' = '',
                        'rows' = '10'

                        'name' = 'Gallery Images',
                        'desc' = '',
                        'id' = $prefix . 'images',
                        'type' = 'image_advanced'

    new RW_Meta_Box( $meta_box );

// Add a new column for the order
function add_new_ptype_gallery_column($ptype_gallery_columns) {
  $ptype_gallery_columns['menu_order'] = "Order";
  return $ptype_gallery_columns;
add_action('manage_edit-ptype_gallery_columns', 'add_new_ptype_gallery_column');

// Render the column values
function show_order_column_gallery($name){
  global $post;

  switch ($name) {
    case 'menu_order':
      $order = $post-menu_order;
      echo $order;

// Set the column to be sortable
function order_column_register_sortable_gallery($columns){
  $columns['menu_order'] = 'menu_order';
  return $columns;

Front End code

  Template Name: Photo Gallery Page Template


div id="main"
    div class="wrapper"
        div id="container" class="fullwidth photo-gallery-section"
            h2 class="pageTitle"
                ?php the_title(); ?
            $args = array(
                'post_type' = 'ptype_gallery', 'posts_per_page' = -1, 'post_status' = 'publish'
            // the query
            $the_query = new WP_Query($args);               

            ?php if ($the_query-have_posts()) : ?

                !-- pagination here --

                !-- the loop --
                while ($the_query-have_posts()) : $the_query-the_post();
                    $images = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'ptype_gallery_images');

                    if ($images) {
                        h4 class="pageTitle"
                            ?php the_title(); ?
                        div class="photogallery-section"
                            echo 'div class=""/divdiv class="productImages row"';
                            foreach ($images as $image) {
                                $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image, 'product_thumb');
                                $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image, 'full');
                                $attachment = get_post($image);
                                div class="grid2"
                                    div class="productImgBx"
                                        div class="productImg"a data-fancybox="gallery" href="?php echo $img[0]; ?"img src="?php echo $thumb[0]; ?"//a/div
                                        div class="productImgTitle"?php echo $attachment-post_content; ?/div
                            echo '/div';

                    ?php } endwhile; ?
                !-- end of the loop --

                !-- pagination here --

                ?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?

            ?php else : ?
                p?php _e('Sorry, no products found.'); ?/p
            ?php endif; ?
?php get_footer(); ?

This is my page template with displaying custom post type on frontend but can not sorting as per the backend.

Please help me.

Thank you indvance.

Topic menu-order front-end sort Wordpress

Category Web

You can hook pre_get_posts and use the order_by argument of WP_Query. From a plugin or functions.php of active theme, something like the following (untested example):

add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'my_post_type_sort', 10, 1);

function my_post_type_sort( $query ) {
     if ( is_admin || ! $query->is_main_query() ) {
     if ( $query->get('post_type') !== 'name_of_post_type' ) {
     $query->set('orderby', array( 'menu_order' => 'ASC') );



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