How to convert the WordPress meta box Page Attributes->Page Template dropdown to radio buttons?
I would like to be able to change the Page Attribute "Templates" dropdown to radio buttons, to allow me to have corresponding thumbnails next to them.
I have already removed and replaced the Page Attributes meta box on functions.php, as per below:
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'wpse44966_add_meta_box' );
function wpse44966_add_meta_box( $post_type ){
'page' == $post_type ? __('Page Style Templates') : __('Attributes'),
I am then able to call back the "Templates" dropdown in my own meta box - I have also included the page_template_dropdown function (renamed 'page_template_dropdown_show_it').
function page_template_dropdown_show_it( $default = '', $post_type = 'page' ) {
$templates = get_page_templates( null, $post_type );
ksort( $templates );
foreach ( array_keys( $templates ) as $template ) {
$selected = selected( $default, $templates[ $template ], false );
echo "\n\toption value='" . esc_attr( $templates[ $template ] ) . "' $selected" . esc_html( $template ) . '/option';
function wpse44966_meta_box_cb( $post ){
echo 'Please select from the below';
if ( count( get_page_templates( $post ) ) 0 get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) != $post-ID ) :
$template = ! empty( $post-page_template ) ? $post-page_template : false; ?
p class="post-attributes-label-wrapper"label class="post-attributes-label" for="page_template"?php _e( 'Template' ); ?/label?php do_action( 'page_attributes_meta_box_template', $template, $post ); ?/p
select name="page_template" id="page_template"
?php $default_title = apply_filters( 'default_page_template_title', __( 'Default Template' ), 'meta-box' ); ?
option value="default"?php echo esc_html( $default_title ); ?/option
?php page_template_dropdown_show_it( $template, $post-post_type ); ?
?php endif;
However, when I then amend both page_template_dropdown_show_it and wpse44966_meta_box_cb to show radio buttons, the changes are applied visually but nothing happens when you select them?
function page_template_dropdown_show_it( $default = '', $post_type = 'page' ) {
$templates = get_page_templates( null, $post_type );
ksort( $templates );
foreach ( array_keys( $templates ) as $template ) {
$checked = checked( $default, $templates[ $template ], false );
echo "\n\tinput type='radio' name='page_template' value='" . esc_attr( $templates[ $template ] ) . "' $checked" . esc_html( $template );
function wpse44966_meta_box_cb( $post ){
echo 'Please select from the below';
if ( count( get_page_templates( $post ) ) 0 get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) != $post-ID ) :
$template = ! empty( $post-page_template ) ? $post-page_template : false; ?
p class="post-attributes-label-wrapper"label class="post-attributes-label" for="page_template"?php _e( 'Template' ); ?/label?php do_action( 'page_attributes_meta_box_template', $template, $post ); ?/p
?php $default_title = apply_filters( 'default_page_template_title', __( 'Default Template' ), 'meta-box' ); ?
input type='radio' name='page_template' value="default"?php echo esc_html( $default_title ); ?
?php page_template_dropdown_show_it( $template, $post-post_type ); ?
?php endif;
It's obviously not as simple as a straight swap-out (as it isn't working), but the only thing that I can see that is missing is now there is nothing carrying the id="page_template", whereas before it was included in the below:
select name="page_template" id="page_template"
Topic page-attributes metabox templates Wordpress
Category Web