How to create frontend Post filter using meta query

I have created a post filter like the image below, but I have an issue with selecting multiple values from different fields. All the fields in the filter are custom fields. The thing is, in the admin panel, one post has a select field with city Telaviv and with a select field Property Type with a value Garden Apartment. The other post has a different city and Property Type as Ground Apartment. On the front end, if I choose from the City field -> Tel Aviv, I will get one post (Apartment) as it should. If I choose from the Property Type field -> Garden and Ground Apartments without choosing city, I will get two results as it should, but if I choose this two property type apartments together with the city Tel Aviv, I should get only one apartment, but I still get the two results.

The code: You might notice, that some of the field values are called by variables, I just called those fields earlier, but I didn't add that code here.

form class="select_form advance" id = "filterformid" name="filterform" action="" method="get"

div id="stickySearch" style="background: transparent !important;"
  div class="container"  

        ul class="nav nav-tabs" data-tabs="tabs" id="search-tab" style="background: transparent !important;"           

li id="city" class="" name="city"
    h4 id="apartment_city"?php echo $filter_city; ? span class="caret"/span/h4
    ul class="dropdown-list city" 

        ?php $array_property = get_field_object($filter_city_field);

        foreach ($array_property['choices'] as $key = $value) {
        if (in_array($key, $_GET['city'])) {

        echo 'liinput type="checkbox" id="city'. $i .'" class="uniquecity" name="city[]" value="'. $key .'" checkedlabel for="city'. $i .'"'.$value.'/label/li';
        } else {
        echo 'liinput type="checkbox" id="city'. $i .'" class="uniquecity" name="city[]" value="'. $key .'"label for="city'. $i .'"'.$value.'/label/li';

                        li id="beds" class="" name="rooms"
    h4 id="bedrooms"?php echo $filter_rooms; ? span class="caret"/span/h4
    ul class="dropdown-list beds" 

        ?php $array_property = get_field_object('field_58ab19f3aef68');

        foreach ($array_property['choices'] as $key = $value) {
        if($key == $_GET['rooms']  !empty($_GET['rooms'])){
        echo 'liinput type="checkbox" id="bed'. $i .'" class="uniqueBed" name="rooms" value="'. $key .'" checkedlabel for="bed'. $i .'"'.$value.'/label/li';
        } else {
        echo 'liinput type="checkbox" id="bed'. $i .'" class="uniqueBed" name="rooms" value="'. $key .'"label for="bed'. $i .'"'.$value.'/label/li';

li id="floors" class="" name="floors"
    h4 href="#" id="apartment_floors"?php echo $filter_floors; ? span class="caret"/span/h4
    ul class="dropdown-list floors" 

        ?php $array_property = get_field_object('field_58ab1a34aef69');
        foreach ($array_property['choices'] as $key = $value) {
        if($key == $_GET['floors']  !empty($_GET['floors'])){
        echo 'liinput type="checkbox" id="floors'. $i .'" class="uniquefloors" name="floors" value="'. $key .'" checkedlabel for="floors'. $i .'"'.$value.'/label/li';
        } else {
        echo 'liinput type="checkbox" id="floors'. $i .'" class="uniquefloors" name="floors" value="'. $key .'"label for="floors'. $i .'"'.$value.'/label/li';

li id="property_exposure" name="property"
    h4 href="#" id="exposure"?php echo $filter_exposure; ? span class="caret"/span/h4
    ul class="dropdown-list exposure" 


    $array_property = get_field_object($filter_exposure_field);
    foreach ($array_property['choices'] as $key = $value) {
    if (in_array($key, $_GET['property'])) {                                    
    echo 'liinput type="checkbox" id="exposure' . $i. '" class="uniqueexposure" name="property[]" value="'.$key.'" checkedlabel for="exposure'. $i .'"'.$value.'/label';
    } else {
    echo 'liinput type="checkbox" id="exposure' . $i. '" class="uniqueexposure" name="property[]" value="'.$key.'"label for="exposure'. $i .'"'.$value.'/label';
    }   }


li id="price"
  h4 href="#"?php echo $filter_price; ? span class="caret"/span/h4
  ul class="dropdown-list price"

        ?php if($_GET['price_from'] != '0'  empty($_GET['price_from'])){ ?
        ?php echo $filter_from; ?
        input placeholder="?php echo $filter_min; ?" type="text" name="price_from" id="min-price" value=""
        ?php } else { ?
        input placeholder="?php echo $filter_min; ?" type="text" name="price_from" id="min-price" value="?php echo $_GET['price_from']; ?"
        ?php } ?/li

      ?php echo $filter_to; ? 

      ?php if(empty($_GET['price_to'])){ ?
        input placeholder="?php echo $filter_max; ?" type="text" name="price_to" id="max-price" value=""
        ?php } else { ?
        input placeholder="?php echo $filter_max; ?" type="text" name="price_to" id="max-price" value="?php echo $_GET['price_to']; ?"
        ?php } ?/li


li id="property_type" class="" name="property_type"
    h4 href="#" id="apartment_floors"?php echo $filter_property_type; ? span class="caret"/span/h4
    ul class="dropdown-list property_type" 

        ?php $array_property1 = get_field_object($filter_property_field);

        foreach ($array_property1['choices'] as $key = $value) {

        if (in_array($key, $_GET['property_type'])) {
        echo 'liinput type="checkbox" id="property'. $i . '" class="uniqueproperty" name="property_type[]" value="'. $key .'" checkedlabel for="property'. $i .'"'.$value.'/label/li';
        } else {
        echo 'liinput type="checkbox" id="property'. $i .'" class="uniqueproperty" name="property_type[]" value="'. $key .'"label for="property'. $i .'"'.$value.'/label/li';

$array_includes = array(array(
                                'label' = 'Parking',
                                'acf_name' = 'parking'

li id="parking" class="" name="parking"

                                ?php foreach ($array_includes as $value) { ?      
                                        ?php if( !empty($_GET['advance'])  in_array($value['acf_name'], $_GET['advance']) ) { ?
                                        h4 href="#" id="apartment_floors"?php echo $filter_parking; ? input type="checkbox" checked id="?php echo $value['acf_name'] ?" name="advance[]" value="?php echo $value['acf_name'] ?"/h4

                                        ?php } else { ?
                                            h4 href="#" id="apartment_floors"?php echo $filter_parking; ? input type="checkbox" id="?php echo $value['acf_name'] ?" name="advance[]" value="?php echo $value['acf_name'] ?"/span/h4
                                        ?php } ? 

                                ?php } ?

li id="meters1"
  h4 href="#"?php echo $filter_meters; ? span class="caret"/span/h4
  ul class="dropdown-list meters"
?php echo $filter_from; ?
        ?php if($_GET['meters_from'] != '0'  empty($_GET['meters_from'])){ ?
                                    input placeholder="?php echo $filter_min; ?" type="text" name="meters_from" id="min-meters" value=""
                                ?php } else { ?
                                    input placeholder="?php echo $filter_min; ?" type="text" name="meters_from" id="min-meters" value="?php echo $_GET['meters_from']; ?"
                                ?php } ?/li

       ?php echo $filter_to;?

      ?php if(empty($_GET['meters_to'])){ ?
                                    input placeholder="?php echo $filter_max; ?" type="text" name="meters_to" id="max-meters" value=""
                                ?php } else { ?
                                    input placeholder="?php echo $filter_max; ?" type="text" name="meters_to" id="max-meters" value="?php echo $_GET['meters_to']; ?" 
                                ?php } ?/li

?php $queried_object_id = $wp_query-queried_object-term_id; ?

input type="hidden" name="termid" value="Residential Sale" /

input type="submit" value="?php echo $filter_search; ?"
div class="advance_block"
?php $location =  $_GET['termid'];
        $args = array(
        'post_type'  = 'home_listings',
        'posts_per_page' = -1,
        'tax_query' = array(
                'taxonomy' = 'apartment_categories',
                'field'    = 'term_id',
                'terms'    = $queried_object_id
        'meta_query' = array(
            'relation' = 'AND'


    if(!empty($_GET['advance'])) {
        foreach($_GET['advance'] as $check) {
            $args['meta_query'][] = array(
                'key' = $check,
                'value' = '1',
                'compare' = 'LIKE'
    foreach ($_GET['city'] as $city_single){
    if(!empty($_GET['city'])  $_GET['city'] != 'all') {
        $args['meta_query'][] = array(
            'key' = 'city',
            'value' = $city_single,
            'compare' = 'LIKE'
    if(!empty($_GET['neighborhood'])  $_GET['neighborhood'] != 'all') {
        $args['meta_query'][] = array(
            'key' = 'select_neighbourhood',
            'value' = $_GET['neighborhood'],
            'compare' = 'LIKE'
    if ( !empty($_GET['price_from']) || !empty($_GET['price_to']) ) {
        if($_GET['price_from'] != 'all'){
            $from = (int)$_GET['price_from'];
        } else {
            $from = 0;
        if($_GET['price_to'] != 'all'){
            $to = (int)$_GET['price_to'];
        } else {
            $to = 0;
            $args['meta_query'][] = array(
            'key' = 'price',
            'value' = array($from,$to),
            'type' = 'numeric',
            'compare' = 'BETWEEN'
    if ( !empty($_GET['meters_from']) || !empty($_GET['meters_to']) ) {
        if($_GET['meters_from'] != 'all'){
            $from = (int)$_GET['meters_from'];
        } else {
            $from = 0;
        if($_GET['meters_to'] != 'all'){
            $to = (int)$_GET['meters_to'];
        } else {
            $to = 0;
        $args['meta_query'][] = array(
            'key' = 'square_feet',
            'value' = array($from,$to),
            'type' = 'numeric',
            'compare' = 'BETWEEN'
    foreach ($_GET['property'] as $exposure_single){
    if(!empty($_GET['property'])  $_GET['property'] != 'all') {
        $args['meta_query'][] = array(
            'key' = 'exposure',
            'value' = $exposure_single,
            'compare' = 'LIKE'

        foreach ($_GET['property_type'] as $property_single){
            if(!empty($_GET['property_type'])  $_GET['property_type'] != 'all') {
        $args['meta_query'][] = array(
            'key' = 'property_type',
            'value' = $property_single,
            'compare' = 'LIKE'

    if(!empty($_GET['rooms'])  $_GET['rooms'] != 'all') {
        $args['meta_query'][] = array(
            'key' = 'number_of_rooms',
            'value' = $_GET['rooms'],
            'compare' = 'LIKE'
    if(!empty($_GET['floors'])  $_GET['floors'] != 'all') {
        $args['meta_query'][] = array(
            'key' = 'floors',
            'value' = $_GET['floors'],
            'compare' = 'LIKE'
    // Keep query string vars intact
    foreach ( $_GET as $key = $value ) {

        if ( 
            'rooms' === $key || 
            'floors' === $key || 
            'property_type' === $key ||
            'submit' === $key || 
            'advance' === $key ||
            'city' === $key ||
            'neighborhood' === $key ||
            'property' === $key ||
            'price_from' === $key ||
            'price_to' === $key ||
            'meters_from' === $key ||
            'meters_to' === $key
        ) {
        if ( is_array( $val ) ) {
            foreach( $val as $innerVal ) {
                echo 'input type="hidden" name="' . esc_attr( $key ) . '[]" value="' . esc_attr( $innerVal ) . '" /';

        } else {
            echo 'input type="hidden" name="' . esc_attr( $key ) . '" value="' . esc_attr( $val ) . '" /';
    $wp_qunew WP_Query($args);

Topic request-filter wp-parse-args meta-query filters posts Wordpress

Category Web

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Hope this will give you idea on how to create custom filter based on meta query


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