How to disentangle non-mutually exclusive items coded in same question?
I have to work with a dataset where people ostensibly had the option to check several options to a question (eg check all that apply). But in the data, all of the options when selected are shown under one variable where they look like option1_option2 instead of having created different variables for option 1/option 2 etc when selected.
Is there an easy way to create separate variables based on this? I don't know how to select criteria from these kinds of responses to create new variables since there are many possible combinations of relevant response options. As far as select commands, I'm not sure if there's a way to create new variables based on whether data contain specific criteria at all (vs only).
I'm using R and SPSS by the way. It's a pretty simple dataset, I just don't know why the data registered this way. It's a secondary dataset.
Topic data-cleaning
Category Data Science