how to display google maps with javascript

I want to display one google custom map with javascript, I set this code in a code module, but when I post it only appear the code and not the map, how can I display my map correctly? The code works in a .html file . Thanks in advance

div id =map style=height:500px /div 
script src=ñdkfIIRFEzeECQZ8callback=initMaplibraries=v=weekly defer/script

script type=text/javascript
    use strict;

    let map;

    function initMap() {
        map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(map), {
            center: {
                lat: 40.6059969,
                lng: -3.706213,
            zoom: 13,
            mapTypeId: 'hybrid'

        var image = {
            url: '../../resources/logo.png', //ruta de la imagen
            //size: new google.maps.Size(40, 60), //tamaño de la imagen
            //origin: new google.maps.Point(0,0), //origen de la iamgen
            //el ancla de la imagen, el punto donde esta marcando, en nuestro caso el centro inferior.
            //anchor: new google.maps.Point(20, 60) 

        var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
            position: {
                lat: 40.617335,
                lng: -3.703045
            map: map,
            icon: image,
            title: 'Sequopro'
        marker3.addListener(click, ()={
            alertify.alert(INFO,En el ayuntamiento no hay ningún Sequosentry operativo!);

Topic google-maps code Wordpress

Category Web

You should place that code in an HTML block, not a text block.

You can create a new block, type HTML in the search bar and select it. Then paste above code in that new block.


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