How to display the featured post on the category page?
I have created a feature post check box on the post page. Now what I am doing is if any user-selected that checkbox then I have to show that post on the category page. I tried below code but it's not displaying.
Code is to add feature post on post
// add feature post on post page
function register_post_assets(){
add_meta_box('featured-post', __('Featured Post'), 'add_featured_meta_box', 'post', 'advanced', 'high');
add_action('admin_init', 'register_post_assets', 1);
function add_featured_meta_box($post){
$featured = get_post_meta($post-ID, '_featured-post', true);
echo "label for='_featured-post'".__('Feature this post?', 'foobar')."/label";
echo "input type='checkbox' name='_featured-post' id='featured-post' value='1' ".checked(1, $featured)." /";
function save_featured_meta($post_id){
// Do validation here for post_type, nonces, autosave, etc...
if (isset($_REQUEST['_featured-post']))
update_post_meta(esc_attr($post_id, '_featured-post', esc_attr($_REQUEST['_featured-post'])));
// I like using _ before my custom fields, so they are only editable within my form rather than the normal custom fields UI
add_action('save_post', 'save_featured_meta');
// end feature post with check box tag here
Now I an displaying on the category page
//check if category is a subcategory
$this_category = get_queried_object();
if( 0 != $this_category-parent ){ //if subcategory then display feature post
//displaying feature post here
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' = 5,
'meta_key' = '_featured-post',
'meta_value' = 1
$featured = new WP_Query($args);
if ($featured-have_posts()): while($featured-have_posts()): $featured-the_post();
endwhile; else:
Topic featured-post posts plugins Wordpress
Category Web