How to echo a plugin's function into a template?
I've tried checking for a similar question but couldn't find one. If possible please link me to this as I might be creating a duplicate. Anyways..
I am using a basic testimonial plugin (Clean Testimonials) and wish to create a custom template which it allows.
The only things I like to add are the the_client() and the_website() functions. But the the_website() function isn't displaying?
div class="su-posts su-posts-default-loop"
// Posts are found
if ( $posts-have_posts() ) {
while ( $posts-have_posts() ) :
global $post;
div id="su-post-?php the_ID(); ?" class="su-post"
?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) : ?
a class="su-post-thumbnail"?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?/a
?php endif; ?
div class="su-post-content"
p?php the_content(); ?/p
p style="color:blue;"?php echo the_client (); ?, ?php echo the_website (); ?/p
// Posts not found
else {
echo 'h4' . __( 'Posts not found', 'shortcodes-ultimate' ) . '/h4';
Below is the functions.php for the plugin:
Helper functions for Clean Testimonials
function the_client () {
global $post;
return get_post_meta( $post-ID, 'testimonial_client_name', true );
function get_the_client ( $testimonial_id ) {
return get_post_meta( $testimonial_id, 'testimonial_client_name', true );
function the_company () {
global $post;
return get_post_meta( $post-ID, 'testimonial_client_company', true );
function get_the_company ( $testimonial_id ) {
return get_post_meta( $testimonial_id, 'testimonial_client_company', true );
function the_email () {
global $post;
return get_post_meta( $post-ID, 'testimonial_client_email', true );
function get_the_email ( $testimonial_id ) {
return get_post_meta( $testimonial_id, 'testimonial_client_email', true );
function the_website () {
global $post;
return get_post_meta( $post-ID, 'testimonial_client_website', true );
function get_the_website ( $testimonial_id ) {
return get_post_meta( $testimonial_id, 'testimonial_client_website', true );
function testimonial_has_permission( $testimonial_id ) {
return get_post_meta( $testimonial_id, 'testimonial_client_permission', true ) == 'yes';
Kind regards,