How to exclude labels from certain categories in a shortcode?
Good afternoon. There is a shortcode [alltags] that displays ALL site tags on a separate page of the site in alphabetical order with a letter.
function wph_alltags_shortcode( $atts, $content ) {
$posttags = get_tags();
$output = '';
if ( $posttags ) {
$output = 'dl class=alltags';
foreach ( $posttags as $tag ) {
$l = mb_strtoupper( mb_substr( $tag-name, 0, 1, 'UTF-8'), 'UTF-8' );
if ( $L != $l ) {
if ( $L )
$output .= '/dd';
$L = $l;
$output .= 'dt' . $L . '/dtdd';
$output .= 'a href=/tag/' . $tag-slug . '' . $tag-name . '/a ';
$output .= '/dl';
return $output;
add_shortcode( 'alltags', 'wph_alltags_shortcode' );
I need to exclude the display of tags from certain categories of the site, at least from one. I am completely new to PHP. (Please help me with solving this problem. Thank you very much in advance!