How to filter comments by comment_meta
EDIT: Yay, solved it! I needed to use new WP_Comment_Query( $args )
and set my $args
to only include the current post and the meta chosen. Thanks!
Thanks to the wonderful help of the community here, I have created a dropdown menu above my comments section to choose between BUY | SELL | TRADE | TALK.
EDIT: I've changed my comment.php file. It now filters by comment_meta
- YAY! Except, it gets ALL comments with this meta value. How do I constrain it to JUST comments on this page?
Right now, i have them adding ?cmeta=ALL
, etc to the url. I don't like this because it reloads the page. I suppose I'll need some javascript? Is there another way to get buttons to filter the comments below?
EDIT: got the buttons in the right spot.
Thanks in advance, everyone!
Here's the code from my functions.php
* This will add the fields to the comment form
function wpse406058_custom_comment_fields() {
echo 'p class=comment-form-wantto';
echo 'label for=wanttoTag your comment so other users can find your post.brI want to/label';
echo 'select id=wantto name=wantto class=myclass';
echo 'option value=------/option';
echo 'option value=BUYBUY/option';
echo 'option value=SELLSELL/option';
echo 'option value=TRADETRADE/option';
echo 'option value=TALKTALK/option';
echo '/select';
add_action( 'comment_form_logged_in_after', 'wpse406058_custom_comment_fields' );
add_action( 'comment_form_after_fields', 'wpse406058_custom_comment_fields' );
* This will field value as comment meta
function wpse406058_save_custom_field($comment_id) {
if ( isset($_POST['wantto']) !empty($_POST['wantto']) ) {
$wantto = sanitize_text_field($_POST['wantto']);
update_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'wantto', $wantto );
add_action( 'comment_post', 'wpse406058_save_custom_field' );
function wpse406058_display_comment_meta( $comment_text ) {
$wantto = get_comment_meta( get_comment_ID(), 'wantto', true );
if ( isset($wantto) !empty($wantto) ) {
$wanttotext = 'p class=wantosecI want to ' . esc_html($wantto) . '/p';
$comment_text = $wanttotext . $comment_text;
echo 'div class=container';
return $comment_text;
echo '/div';
add_filter( 'comment_text', 'wpse406058_display_comment_meta' );
I'm calling it on each page with
?php comments_template(); ?
And here's my comments.php
if (have_comments()) : ?
div class=container
div class=btn-group flex
button type=button onclick=window.location.href='?php echo the_permalink();?/?cmeta=ALL'SHOW ALL/button
button type=button onclick=window.location.href='?php echo the_permalink();?/?cmeta=BUY'BUY/button
button type=button onclick=window.location.href='?php echo the_permalink();?/?cmeta=SELL'SELL/button
button type=button onclick=window.location.href='?php echo the_permalink();?/?cmeta=TRADE'TRADE/button
button type=button onclick=window.location.href='?php echo the_permalink();?/?cmeta=TALK'TALK/button
$wantto= get_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'wantto', true );
$args = array(
'post_id' = get_the_ID(),
'meta_query' = array(
'key' = 'wantto',
'value' = $commentmeta,
$comment_query = new WP_Comment_Query( $args );
$comments = $comment_query-comments;
echo 'ol class=post-comments';
'style' = 'ol',
'short_ping' = true,
echo $wantto;
echo '/ol';
/* much simpler one to style probably
if ( $comments ) {
foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
echo 'p' . $comment-comment_content . '/p';
} else {
echo 'No comments found.';
$wantto= get_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'wantto', true );
echo 'ol class=post-comments';
'style' = 'ol',
'short_ping' = true,
echo $wantto;
echo '/ol';
echo $wantto;
Here's a screenshot of the buttons below the comment section.
Topic comment-meta comment-form comments Wordpress
Category Web