So thanks to J.D., I finally ended up with this code:
function __2($string, $textdomain, $locale){
global $l10n;
if(isset($l10n[$textdomain])) $backup = $l10n[$textdomain];
load_textdomain($textdomain, get_template_directory() . '/languages/'. $locale . '.mo');
$translation = __($string,$textdomain);
if(isset($bkup)) $l10n[$textdomain] = $backup;
return $translation;
function _e2($string, $textdomain, $locale){
echo __2($string, $textdomain, $locale);
Now, I know it shouldn't be, as per this famous article:
But, I don't know, it works... And bonus: say you want to use it in admin, because the admin language is x, but you want to get/save data in lang y, and you're using polylang. So i.e. your admin is english, but you're on the spanish translation of a post, and you need to get spanish data from your theme locales:
global $polylang;
$p_locale = $polylang->curlang->locale; // will be es_ES
_e2('your string', 'yourtextdomain', $p_locale)