How to group by one column and count frequency from other column for each item in the previous column in python?
I am trying to group my data by the 'ID' column. Then I want to count the frequency of 'sequence' for each 'ID'. Here is a sample of the data frame:
ID Sequence
101 1-2
101 3-1
101 1-2
102 4-6
102 7-8
102 4-6
102 4-6
103 1118-69
104 1-2
104 1-2
I am looking for a count same as:
ID Sequence Count
101 1-2 2
3-1 1
102 4-6 3
7-8 1
103 1118-69 1
104 1-2 2
I tried this code in python which doesn't give me what I want
df.groupby('ID') Blockquote
Category Data Science