How to integrate single and archive templates for custom post type in any Wordpress theme
I am working on my new WP Plugin for advanced control of custom post types and meta boxes.
Actually, I am working on an HTML Builder for the full customization of single and archive templates for the registered CPT.
I am struggling now with this problem: how to integrate these new templates into any Wordpress theme?
I found this:
Dynamically override page.php or single.php with custom templates using function
It fits my needs indeed but since every Wordpress theme is different I don't know how to integrate my custom content into the theme structure with its elements like any other template page (headers, footer, sidebar, etc...). Is there a way to use for example single.php base structure overriding only the inner content?
I was looking at other plugins like Pods or Toolset but I can't figure out how to achieve the same result.
I was thinking also to create a dedicated theme to integrate my custom templates, but it doesn't really make me happy.
Anyone can help me?
Thanks in advance