How to interpret the Mean squared error value in a regression model?
I'm working on a simple linear regression model to predict 'Label' based on 'feature'. The two variables seems to be highly correlate corr=0.99. After splitting the data sample for to training and testing sets. I make predictions and evaluate the model.
metrics.mean_squared_error(Label_test,Label_Predicted) = 99.17777494521019
metrics.r2_score(Label_test,Label_Predicted) = 0.9909449021176512
Based on the r2_score my model is performing perfectly. 1 being the highest possible value. But when it comes to the mean squared error, I don't know if it shows that my model is performing well or not.
How can I interpret MSE here ?
If I had multiple algorithms and the same data sets, after computing MSE or RMSE for all models, how can I tell which one is better in describing the data ?
R2 score is 0.99, is this suspicious ? Or expected since the label and feature are highly correlated?
Feature Label 0 56171.757812 56180.234375 1 56352.500000 56363.476562 2 56312.539062 56310.859375 3 56432.539062 56437.460938 4 56190.859375 56199.882812 ... ... ... 24897 56476.484375 56470.742188 24898 56432.148438 56432.968750 24899 56410.312500 56428.437500 24900 56541.093750 56541.015625 24901 56491.289062 56499.843750
Topic rmse regression python predictive-modeling machine-learning
Category Data Science