How to list custom post types on a custom post type page?
I would like to know why my custom post type pages do not accept paged pages?
On a normal page I can list custom post types without problems, but on a custom post type page, it seems impossible. I would like to make custom list pages to list custom posts types based on various queries.
I.e. if I would like to list all my custom post types on a page with a pagination, the URL or permalink structure would look something like this:, but I can't access that page at all, it simply redirect the additional pages (like 2, 3, 4, etc) to the root page
I tried all kind of weird and wonderful solutions that I've found online, but nothing seems to fix it?
The reason I don't want to use a standard page with a custom template, is because it will need specific settings to set up search queries, which a normal page should not have.
This is the code snippet, and it works totally fine on a custom page template (template-list.php), but not on a custom post type page.
$entry = new ThemeOptions\PropertyListing();
$max = get_option('posts_per_page');
$paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
$args = array(
'post_type' = 'property',
'posts_per_page' = $max,
'paged' = $paged,
'tax_query' = '',
'meta_query' = '',
'post_status' = 'publish',
'orderby' = '',
'order' = 'DESC'
$query = new WP_Query($args);
if ($query-have_posts()) :
while($query-have_posts()) : $query-the_post();
echo $entry-display($post);
$wp_query = $query;
get_template_part('/includes/layout/pagination', '');
echo "No posts found!! br";
This is the custom post type on which I would like to list other post types and on which the pagination or paged pages fails.
[slug] = listing
[label] = Listing
[labels] = Array
[name] = Listings
[singular_name] = Listing
[menu_name] = Listings
[all_items] = Listings
[add_new] = Add New
[add_new_item] = Add New Listing
[edit] = Edit
[edit_item] = Edit Listing
[new_item] = New Listing
[view] = View Listing
[view_item] = View Listing
[search_items] = Search Listings
[not_found] = No Listings found
[not_found_in_trash] = No Listings found in Trash
[parent_item_colon] = Parent Listing
[description] = Listing page is a custom page type to store and display a search listing page.
[public] = 1
[exclude_from_search] = 1
[publicly_queryable] = 1
[show_ui] = 1
[show_in_nav_menus] = 1
[show_in_menu] = 1
[show_in_admin_bar] = 1
[menu_position] = 21
[menu_icon] = dashicons-admin-page
[capability_type] = listing
[capabilities] = Array
[read] = read
[edit_post] = edit_listing
[edit_posts] = edit_listings
[edit_others_posts] = edit_others_listings
[edit_private_posts] = edit_private_listings
[edit_published_posts] = edit_published_listings
[publish_posts] = publish_listings
[read_post] = read_listing
[read_private_posts] = read_private_listings
[delete_post] = delete_listing
[delete_posts] = delete_listings
[delete_others_posts] = delete_others_listings
[delete_private_posts] = delete_private_listings
[delete_published_posts] = delete_published_listings
[map_meta_cap] = 1
[hierarchical] =
[register_meta_box_cb] =
[has_archive] =
[rewrite] = Array
[slug] = listing
[query_var] = 1
[can_export] = 1
[supports] = Array
[0] = title
[1] = editor
[2] = author
[3] = thumbnail
[4] = revisions
[5] = page-attributes
I'm not sure if there is anything missing to allow pagination
Topic paged custom-taxonomy pagination custom-post-types Wordpress
Category Web