How to override Plugin javascript function : $('body').on('change','.class')
EDITED: Extensively rewritten after some research
I need to override a script in the custom.js
of a 3rd party plugin.
$('body').on('change', '.wpt_row input.input-text.qty.text', function() {
(some javascript code here)
What I know so far
I need to:
- dequeue the plugin script in
- and then enqueue my own script from
To achieve this I must add something like this to my child theme functions.php
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_mod_script_load', 100);
function my_mod_script_load()
wp_enqueue_script('MY_MOD_SCRIPT', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/scripts.js');
Where I get stuck
The script I want to override is an 'event based function', and not a 'named function'.
I am nor sure how to reference that in the dequeue and enqueue calls.
In the above, what would I use for:
Thanks to @WebElaine for giving me a nudge in the right direction.
Topic body-class plugins Wordpress javascript
Category Web