how to print the content of pages inside the front end area

i'm new to wordpress and i'm trying to create a website. i need display the content of the pages when corresponding menu items are clicked. my page.php contain

?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); 
                      $page_data= $post-ID;

                      centerbh2WELCOME TO THE CLINIC!!/h2/b/center



                      h1 class="entry-title"?php the_title(); ?/h1

                      endwhile; ?

but my content is not displaying. title is showing properly. what is the mistake in the code? please help me.

Topic the-content pages Wordpress

Category Web

i did it using $post->post_content; that is directly getting and displaying data from database. this works perfect for me.

Perhaps the problem is that either (1) the-content() is being filtered to show nothing or (2) that the content is being sent to the web page, but something is hiding it.

First, make sure there is content to display:

} else {
    <h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>

    echo 'Before Content';
    echo $post->post_content;
    echo 'After Content';

If nothing is hiding the content (like JavaScript or CSS), it should should show up on the page between Before Content and After Content. If not, double check by looking at the browser page source to see if anything was added at that point.

If it shows up, replace echo $post->post_content; with the_content() and reload the page. If the content is being filtered it is probably on the the_content filter. Try removing those filter functions:

} else {
    <h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    remove_all_filters( 'the_content' );
    echo 'Before Content';
    echo 'After Content';

Does the content show up now? If it does, there is a filter in the theme or plugin files which is removing the content before it is displayed.

In practice, you would want to find that code and disable it (probably) by removing that faulty filter function. remove_all_filters() is a the drastic option. It can remove filters you want on there. Like filters that add Social Media buttons or helpful links.

Your code is OK, however I think the main failure is to call a page #116, if this page not exist on your WP site the front area or HOME page will not display any data. Normaly to avoid page ID # I use the code if (is_page('name-of-page')) {?>
Some times is better than PAGE ID because the ID number not allways is the same on new WP install, just remember to set your permalinks to pretty using /%permalinks%/


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