How to raise pH (or lower acidity) of mead
I have a mead that I think has too high of an acid level. I am looking for ways to raise the pH or lower the acidity1.
Roughly 7 months ago, I made a 5 gal batch of mead. The original fermentation got stuck, so I added some FermaidK based upon the local brew shop's recommendation. Initial OG was 1.116, and I added FermaidK at 1.088 and again at 1.042. I can't find the measurement prior to racking, but I think it was around 1.002.
So after sitting for about 6 months in the carboy, the clarity is pretty decent but the mead has a pretty boozy aroma to it. I haven't had many meads, so I don't know how to describe the flavor. It was tasty enough, but perhaps seems really bright. Drinkable but not quite amazing...
I used an acid titration kit to measure the acid level. With 15 cc of my mead and 3 drops of phenolphthalein, it took 7.5 cc of .2N sodium hydroxide to trigger the color change. According to the instructions I have, that's a .75% tartaric acid level but the recommended range for mead is .30 - .50%.
Do I need to do anything to lower the acid level / raise the pH of my mead?
If so, what should I use given that I'm essentially ready to bottle excepting this possible acid level issue.
Relevant questions I found on Homebrewing:
Was probably the most relevant, but I have no idea what will happen to the flavor profile if I add calcium hydroxide (pickling lime) to my mead. The OP on this question was adding at the beginning of the brew process, whereas I'm at the end of it.
Was also relevant and suggested using calcium carbonate, but again the OP was at an earlier stage in the brewing process.
Was somewhat relevant, but I didn't add any citrus to my mead for flavoring.
1 Yes, I'm a bit of a noob in this matter, my apologies for using the terms a little too interchangeably. Thank you to Tobias Patton for helping clarify the difference
Topic acidity mead homebrew troubleshooting
Category Mac