How to redirect (301) trashed post to it's parent taxonomy TERM ARCHIVE instead of 404 page
I have a taxonomy called "Sports", that includes terms: Football, Rugby, Tennis... What I want to achieve is when (for instance) a post that has the term football is trashed and a visitor try access it, it will be redirected to (for SEO purpose): .
I spent many days trying to figure how to do this but in vain. Here is an example of codes I tried:
function redirect_trashed_posts(){
if( is_404() ){
global $wp_query, $wpdb, $post;
$post_id = $post-ID;
if( is_object_in_term( $post_id, 'sports' ) ) {
$terms = get_the_terms( $post_id, 'sports' );
$term = array_shift( $terms );
$slug = $term-slug;
$redirect_to = get_option('siteurl') . '/sports/' . $slug . '/';
wp_redirect( $redirect_to, 301 );
add_action('template_redirect', 'redirect_trashed_posts');
The main issue is that I can't get the ID of the trashed post and as a consequence the if statement to check if the post belong to "sports" is not working and the "get_the_terms()" returns nothing. I also tried to get data by slug but It did not succeed.
Thanks for your help.
function redirect_trashed_posts(){
if( is_404() ){ // if page does not exist anymore
global $wpdb; // so we can talk to db
// getting current slug__trashed
// WP append __trashed to trshed posts
$trashed_post_slug = trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/') . '__trashed';
$post_data = $wpdb-get_row( // requesting ID post_status from DB
SELECT ID, post_status
FROM $wpdb-posts
WHERE post_name = '$trashed_post_slug'
$post_id = $post_data-ID; // Getting the ID
$post_status = $post_data-post_status; // Grabbing the post_status
if ( $post_status == 'trash'){ // if we are currently on a trashed post
$terms = get_the_terms( $post_id, 'sports'); // Getting Term, it's an array of objects
$term = array_shift( $terms ); // Getting first object. I have just one
$term_slug = $term-slug; // Getting term slug
$redirect_to = get_option('siteurl') . '/sports/' . $term_slug . '/'; // full url
wp_redirect( $redirect_to, 301 ); // 301 redirection
add_action('template_redirect', 'redirect_trashed_posts');
Thanks :D
Topic get-the-id template-redirect functions php Wordpress
Category Web