How to send add_comment_meta value from separate file to main plugin file?

I try to add meta key and meta value to comment using add_action 'comment_post' and add_comment_meta. It works only in main plugin file but not in template file. So my first question: is it possible to use add_action 'comment_post' in seaparate plugin file? If it's not my second question how to send meta value from separate file?

Main file code:

add_action( 'comment_post', 'add_comment_post_type' );

function add_comment_post_type( $comment_ID ) {
 if ( ( isset( $_POST['meta_post_type_value'] ) )  ( $_POST['meta_post_type_value'] 
 !== '' ) ) {
    $meta_post_type = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['meta_post_type_value'] );
    add_comment_meta( $comment_ID, 'post_type', $meta_post_type );

Template file code:

    comment_form( $comments_args );

    add_filter( 'comment_form_defaults', 'comment_post_type_field' );
    function comment_post_type_field( $post_type ) {

      $post_type['fields']['meta_post_type_value'] = 'user_contact';
      return $post_type;


I don't need to show $post_type so maybe there is possible simplest way to define meta value.

Topic comment-form Wordpress

Category Web


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