How to show only parents subpages of current page item in vertical menu?

I just can't find a way to make it possible to show only current parent items down to current page item in a vertical menu the "wordpress way".

What I want to achieve is the following dynamic structure, if I visit Page

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

  • Page 3.1
  • Page 3.2
    • Page 3.2.1
    • Page 3.2.2
      • Page
      • Page
        • Page
        • Page
      • Page
    • Page 3.2.3
  • Page 3.3
  • Page 3.4
  • Page 3.5

So, only submenus for Page's parents and it's own (if it has a submenu) will be listed, even if Page 3.4 or Page 3.2.3 also has submenus.

Topic wp-list-pages recursive hierarchical php menus Wordpress

Category Web

Finally, I solved it myself. Here is the solution:

In functions.php:

function show_all_children($parent_id, $post_id, $current_level)
$top_parents    = array();
$top_parents    = get_post_ancestors($post_id);
$top_parents[]  = $post_id;

$children = get_posts(
      'post_type'       => 'page'
    , 'posts_per_page'  => -1
    , 'post_parent'     => $parent_id
    , 'order_by'        => 'title'
    , 'order'           => 'ASC'

if (empty($children)) return;

echo '<ul class="children level-'.$current_level.'-children">';

foreach ($children as $child)
echo '<li';
    if (in_array($child->ID, $top_parents))
    echo ' class="current_page_item"';
echo '>';

echo '<a href="'.get_permalink($child->ID).'">';
echo apply_filters('the_title', $child->post_title);
echo '</a>';

    // now call the same function for child of this child
    if ($child->ID && (in_array($child->ID, $top_parents)))
    show_all_children($child->ID, $post_id, $current_level+1);

echo '</li>';

echo '</ul>';

In sidebar.php:

$parents_ids   = get_post_ancestors($post->ID);
$top_parent_id = (count($parents_ids) > 0) ? $parents_ids[count($parents_ids)-1] : $post->ID;
show_all_children($top_parent_id, $post->ID, 1);


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