How to stop unwanted splits in excerpts when using shortcodes for sliders or players

Am using this code in functions.php: Issue with enabling formatting in excerpts in Wordpress

to allow shortcodes, javascript and formatting in the excerpt - works great, thanks.

However, I am also using a slider (slideshow satellite), which breaks if I set my excerpt length too low (the slideshow size is obviously related to its content). Does anyone know a way to keep the excerpt length low but when a post has a player/slider called by shortcode, make sure it finishes the embedded code, no matter how long it is?



function better_trim_excerpt($text)
$raw_excerpt = $text;
if ( '' == $text ) {
    $text = get_the_content('');
    //$text = strip_shortcodes( $text );
    $text = apply_filters('the_content', $text);
    $text = str_replace(']]', ']]gt;', $text);

    // Enable formatting in excerpts - Add HTML tags that you want to be parsed in excerpts, default is 55
    //$text = strip_tags($text, 'strongbemiacodekbdimg');

    // Set custom excerpt length - number of words to be shown in excerpts
    $excerpt_length = apply_filters('excerpt_length', 900);

    // Modify excerpt more string at the end from [...] to ...
    $excerpt_more = apply_filters('excerpt_more', ' ' . '...');

    $words = preg_split("/[\n\r\t ]+/", $text, $excerpt_length + 1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
    if ( count($words)  $excerpt_length ) {
        $text = implode(' ', $words);

        // IMPORTANT! Prevents tags cutoff by excerpt (i.e. unclosed tags) from breaking formatting
        $text = force_balance_tags( $text );

        $text = $text . $excerpt_more;
    } else {
        $text = implode(' ', $words);
return apply_filters('wp_trim_excerpt', $text, $raw_excerpt);

// Remove the native excerpt function, and replace it with our improved function
remove_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'wp_trim_excerpt');
add_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'better_trim_excerpt');

Slideshow satellite default.php:

global $satellite_init_ok;
if (!empty($slides)) :

$style = $this-get_option('styles');
$images = $this-get_option('Images');
$imagesbox = $images['imagesbox'];
$pagelink = $images['pagelink'];
$textloc = $this-get_option('textlocation');
$responsive = $this-get_option('responsive');
$respExtra = (isset($respExtra)) ? $respExtra : 0;
$align = $this-get_option('align');
if (!$frompost) {
    $sidetext = $this - Gallery - capLocation($this-Gallery-data-capposition,$slides[0]-section);

?php if ($frompost) : ?

    !-- =======================================
    ======================================= --
    div class="orbit-default
            ?php echo($this-get_option('thumbnails_temp') == 'Y') ? ' default-thumbs' : ''; ?
            ?php echo($align) ? ' satl-align-' . $align : ''; ?
            ?php echo($responsive) ? ' resp' : ''; ?
        div id="featured?php echo $satellite_init_ok; ?" 
            ?php foreach ($slides as $slider) :
                $thumbnail_link = wp_get_attachment_image_src($slider-ID, 'thumbnail', false);
                $attachment_link = get_attachment_link($slider-ID);

                $class= ($images['position'] == "S") ? "stretchCenter" : "absoluteCenter";

                echo "div class='sorbit-wide ".$class."'  

                  array('frompost'  =  true,
                        'slider'    = $slider), true, 'orbit');?


            ?php $this - render('display-caption', 
                    array(  'frompost'   = true, 
                            'slider'     = $slider, 
                            'fontsize'   = null,
                            'style'      = $style,
                            'i'          = null
                            ), true, 'orbit');?

        ?php endforeach; ?
        /div !-- end featured --

    ?php $this - render('jsinit', array('gallery'=false,'frompost' = true,'respExtra' = 0), true, 'orbit');?

    !--  CUSTOM GALLERY --
?php else : ?  
    div class="orbit-default
    ?php echo($this-get_option('thumbnails_temp') == 'Y') ? ' default-thumbs' : ''; ?
            ?php echo($sidetext) ? ' text-' . $sidetext : ''; ?
            ?php echo($align) ? ' satl-align-' . $align : ''; ?
            ?php echo($responsive) ? ' resp' : ''; ?
        div id="featured?php echo $satellite_init_ok; ?" 
            ?php $i = 0; ?
            ?php foreach ($slides as $slider) : ?     

            $class= ($images['position'] == "S") ? "stretchCenter" : "absoluteCenter";

            echo "div id='satl-custom-{$this-Gallery-data-id}{$slider-id}' class='sorbit-wide ".$class."' 

                  array('frompost'  =false,
                        'slider'    = $slider), true, 'orbit');?

        if ($sidetext != ( "Disabled" )) :
            if ($slider-textlocation != "N") :
                    ?php $this - render('display-caption', 
                          array(  'frompost'   = false, 
                                  'slider'     = $slider, 
                                  'fontsize'   = $this-Gallery-data-font,
                                  'style'      = $style,
                                  'i'          = $i
                                  ), true, 'orbit');?

                ?php else : ?
                    span class="sattext-none" id='custom?php echo ($satellite_init_ok . '-' . $i); ?'
        $i = $i + 1;

    ?php $this - render('jsinit', array('gallery'=$slides[0]-section,'frompost' = false, 'respExtra' = $respExtra), true, 'orbit');?
/*     * ****** PRO ONLY ************* */
if (SATL_PRO  $this-get_option('keyboard') == 'Y') {
    require SATL_PLUGIN_DIR . '/pro/keyboard.html';


Topic slideshow split embed shortcode excerpt Wordpress

Category Web

Add remove_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'bwp_trim_excerpt');, or whatever you've named your callback, just before the slideshow runs and add it back after.

Without the actual code for both your callback and the slider I don't think I can do better.


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