How to unify weights in my dataset
I have a symptom-disease network that consists of four attributes: symptom, disease, co-occurrence and TF-IDF. I'm considering the TF-IDF attribute as the weight of my network edges and symptom and disease attributes as nodes of my network. But I think there is a problem that should be addressed. here are some records of my dataset:
MeSH Symptom Term MeSH Disease Term PubMed occurrence TFIDF score
Aging, Premature Scoliosis 1 3.46455149
Aging, Premature HIV Infections 3 10.39365447
Weight Loss Scoliosis 1 1.000053711
Overweight Scoliosis 1 0.8238721
As you can see for the disease Scoliosis, for the same co-occurrence we have different TF-IDF scores for different symptoms. Now the question is can I use these TF-IDF scores as weights directly or should I do some unification of weights? Thanks
Topic knowledge-graph tfidf graphs knowledge-base dataset
Category Data Science