How to use ndcg metric for binary relevance
I am working on a ranking problem to predict the right single document based on the user query and use the NDCG metric to measure the model.
Given the details :
Queries ( Q ), Result Document ( D ), Relevance score. But the relevance score is a binary ( 0 or 1 ) i.e out of document lists, only one document is marked as relevance score =1.
Data set example:
query, docs,relevance
[1, doc2,0],[1, doc3,0],[1, doc4,0 ],[1, doc6,1],[1, doc9,0]
[2, doc3,0],[2, doc5,1],[2, doc10,0],[2, doc11,0],[2, doc1,0]
My questions: 1. Is it possible to use the NDCG metric for binary relevance problems? 2. If so, please share some reading notes or suggestions.