How to use SMOTE to rebalance multiclass dataset when the target is one hot encoded with pd.get_dummies?
I'm using a multiclass dataset (cic-ids-2017), which is very imbalanced. I have already encoded the categorical feature (which is the target
) using OneHotEncoder
I tried to use SMOTE
oversampling method to balance the data with pipeline:
X = df.drop(['Label'],1)
y = df.Label
steps = [('onehot', OneHotEncoder()), ('smt', SMOTE())]
pipeline = Pipeline(steps=steps)
X, y = pipeline.fit_resample(X, y)
When I used pd.get_dummies instead of OneHotEncoder
, in this case I could not use the pipeline (because of get_dummies
How can I balance the dataset using SMOTE
? (and use get_dummies
for One Hot Encoding)
Topic oversampling one-hot-encoding smote class-imbalance
Category Data Science