How to use wp db export and import together?
When I use WP-CLI I'm having some issues with the wp db export and wp db import commands.
I have a local site on my desktop that I would like to migrate to my laptop so I can work on it. So I go on my desktop, navigate to the appropriate directory and type wp db export
. It is a success and creates the file: ccv3-2018-07-12-4e523fb.sql
Now here is the part I don't get. I copy paste the SQL file that it creates on my desktop to my laptops directory where the local website resides. I type wp db import ccv3-2018-07-12-4e523fb.sql --authors=skip
and then I get:
Starting the import process... Error: This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number
After googling this issue it looks like the file it's trying to import should be an XML file, but after looking at the file I get when I use wp db export
reveals an actual SQL file.
So what gives? What should I be doing to migrate databases with WP-CLI?