How to use wp_send_json() and output the value with ajax?

Hello Wordpress Developers.

I create my own plugins, and I'm stuck about how to call php functions inside class, into javascript ajax functions.

For example we have button with ID name clickme:

button id=clickMeClick Me/button

And then I make a class with functions, example like this:

class myFunctions{
function a(){
$test = Hello World from wp_send_json();


and then I want to output the test variable, using ajax. Example like this:

import $ from jquery;

class trigger{

this.button = $(#clickme);;

  this.button.on(click, this.buttonHandler.bind(this));



//how to call the Hello World from wp_send_json()?

success: response = {
//if success, alert the Hello World from wp_send_json;





I'm stuck, and I hope I get the help to solve it. Thank you in advance, wordpress Developers!

Topic ajax php plugin-development Wordpress javascript

Category Web

You can follow below steps:

HTMl Code:

<button id="clickMe">Click Me</button>

PHP Code: here you need to use wp_ajax hook.

class myFunctions{

    public function __construct(){
        add_action( 'wp_ajax_clickme', [$this, 'ajax_callback']); // for logged in user only
        add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_clickme', [$this, 'ajax_callback']); // for non logged user only

    public function ajax_callback() {
        $test = "Hello World from wp_send_json()";

$run = new myFunctions();

JS Code: for your example, you can ignore nonce, name

import $ from "jquery";

class trigger {
    constructor() {
        this.button = $("#clickme");;

    events() {
        this.button.on("click", this.buttonHandler.bind(this));

    buttonHandler() {
        let ajax_url = "";
            type: "post", // request type get, post
            url: ajax_url, // this sould be url
            data: {
                action: "clickme", // wp_ajax_$action or wp_ajax_nopriv_$action - Important
                nonce: my_ajax_object.nonce, // must pass wp nonce and verify to protect CSRF - Very Important for Security
                name: "Razon", // your data, you can pass your own data like this - Optional
            success: function(response) {

Hope that help :)


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