How Would You Categorize This Beer?
I created a beer called Rye of the Hurricane II and would like to enter it in competitions. Problem is, I am not sure it fits in a BCJP category. Where would you enter this?
It is too dark for American Rye (6D), and may be out of category for Roggenbier (15D).
It has great body and plum/raisin maltiness. While it is full-bodied the beer is not heavy. Traditional British hops give it a earthy, muddied bitterness leading into a spicy rye and Hallertau kick. The finish is peppery, slightly sweet and just a little thick on the tongue.
This is the latest version:
10 Gallons
- OG: 1.050
- IBU: ~21
- 15 lbs Maris Otter
- 4 lbs Rye malt
- 2 lbs Munich Malt
- 2 lbs Crystal 120ºL
Mash at 149ºF for 20 minutes. Raise temperature to 160º for 40 minutes
60 Minute boil
- 2 oz Mt Hood FWH
- 1 oz East Kent Goldings 30 minutes
- 1 oz Hallertau 10 minutes
- 1 oz Hallertau 5 minutes
Irish Moss 15 minutes
Ferment with WYeast 1318 London Ale Yeast III at 68ºF for 28 days
Medium Carbonation
Topic competition judging homebrew
Category Mac