Hydrometer reading - should I discard or reintroduce the sample?
I'm new to brewing beer and want to keep a close eye on SG, but I'm mindful of the potential cost when taking several hydrometer readings. Assuming all my equipment is sterilised, is it OK to return the sample back to the fermenter, or should I err on the side of caution and discard it each time?
For sake of completeness: my sterilisation process consists of soaking the cleaned equipment (hydrometer, wine thief, sample tube, etc) in warm water with a dash of Milton liquid and then rinsing with clean water. When I make cider I'm less worried about wastage since my quantities are bigger and at any rate I get to drink the sample when I'm done measuring, but my beer's less tasty at this early stage and I'd prefer to let every drop mature fully.
Finally, I'm aware this question was asked in a roundabout way 9 years ago but it didn't attract a significant amount of traffic, potentially due to the choice of Title.
Thanks in advance for any insights you can give me!
Topic gravity-reading cleaning sanitation hydrometer homebrew
Category Mac