I need to plot only training curve in the fastai library using the learner.recorder.plot_losses() function . FASTAI devs pls help
I have a task where I need to only plot the training loss and not the validation loss of the plot_losses
function in the fastai library with learner object having recorder class, but I am not able to properly implement the same.
I am using the fastai v1 for this purpose due to project restrictions.
Here is the github code for the same:
class Recorder(LearnerCallback):
A `LearnerCallback` that records epoch, loss, opt and metric data during training.
def plot_losses(self, skip_start:int=0, skip_end:int=0, return_fig:bool=None, show_grid:bool=False)-Optional[plt.Figure]:
Plot training and validation losses.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
losses = self._split_list(self.losses, skip_start, skip_end)
iterations = self._split_list(range_of(self.losses), skip_start, skip_end)
ax.plot(iterations, losses, label='Train')
val_iter = self._split_list_val(np.cumsum(self.nb_batches), skip_start, skip_end)
val_losses = self._split_list_val(self.val_losses, skip_start, skip_end)
ax.plot(val_iter, val_losses, label='Validation')
ax.set_xlabel('Batches processed')
if ifnone(return_fig, defaults.return_fig): return fig
if not IN_NOTEBOOK: plot_sixel(fig)
I tried commenting out the ax.plot(val_iter, val_losses, label='Validation')
line in the above function and wrote it before using the function, but when I try to use the function as:
it still shows the validation curve in the plot.
Topic fastai python-3.x computer-vision deep-learning machine-learning
Category Data Science