IBU calculation for blended worts / braggott
I recently found that my calculations of IBUs are not always accurate... Especially when I was making a Braggot. Maybe someone can help me out with the formula or something?
I made a 5 gallon batch of IPA braggot.
I boiled 2.5 gallons of extract with a extract method (3lbs of extract, 12oz stepping grains, Hops at 60, 30, 15 and 1 mins).
At the end I blended it with a 2.5 gallons of mead must making total 5 gallons with OG=1.072. Not bad for an IPA. However, I'm not sure if it will be bitter enough...
So, here's a two batches:
1. V = 2.5g, OG = 1.048, IBU = 158.
2. V = 2.5g, OG = 1.101, IBU = 0.
1+2. V = 5g, OG = 1.072, IBU = ?
What would the IBU be?
PS. Fermentation was complete yesterday at 1.014. I will dry-hop it with 3 oz of something citrusy and floral.
Topic extract-brewing partial-boil ibu homebrew
Category Mac