Identify optimal thresholds for one-vs-one/one-vs-rest ROC-curve for multiclass classification
Say I have a multiclass classification problem with N
I have trained a classifier on a training set, I use a validation set and a One-vs-rest ROC-curve to give me N
ROC curves.
Since the ROC curve is created based on different thresholds of when we classify a sample as $Ci$ or not $Ci$. We can then chose (our) optimal FPR/TRP ratio and get the threshold (t
) e.g say t=0.6
we classify a sample as $Ci$ if model_score=0.6
else the rest i.e not $Ci$.
(the blue marker at this picture from sklearn)
The question is, in the multi-class problem we can use e.g one-vs-rest and create N
ROC-curves (see below, also from sklearn)
but now we have N
different thresholds (in the plot, N=3
since we have three classes). Say we in the one-vs-rest have defined the optimal threshold for the classes as
t1 = 0.8 (Class 1 vs rest)
t2 = 0.6 (Class 2 vs rest)
t3 = 0.4 (class 3 vs rest)
we get a new sample and the model-score is S= [0.3,0.4,0.3]
thus according to the thresholds we won't label it as any class since no score is above the threshold.
Topic multiclass-classification roc classification
Category Data Science