Implementing a URL Shortener

I want to create a URL shortener where I use a REST API endpoint request to get a shortened url, e.g.:

Where I get a response with a shortened version of the URL that I sent to the URL above, for example, which redirects to

My question is if this is possible by using standard WordPress methods? I had some look at the documentation but could only find the following:

Short URL

Short Link

Which are not the functionalities I'm looking for as far as I read.

Example of what I'm trying to achieve:

function wl_shortcode() {
    if ( isset( $_GET['url']) ) {
        $shortcode = isset( $_GET['url'] )  ? esc_attr( $_GET['url'] )   : '';


        return $shorturl;
    } else {
         return false;

add_action('rest_api_init', function() {
    register_rest_route('wl/v1', 'shorturl', [
        'methods' = 'GET',
        'callback' = 'wl_shortcode',

I was thinking of creating the endpoint as above, where the URL gets inserted in a DB table along with a unique key. When accessing, I for instance should be redirected to Is there anyone who is able to guide me in this?

Topic endpoints http shortcode Wordpress

Category Web

Step 1: Create a new template file in your themes folder named: shorturl.php

Template Name: Short URLS
Template Post Type: post, page
while ( have_posts() ) :
    header('Location: '.str_replace("&amp;","&",$content));

Step 2: Create a new php file in your wp-content/plugins/ folder and name it: public-url-shortener.php

Plugin Name: Public URL Shortener
Plugin URI:
Description: Use the shortcode [urlshortener] in a page to use this plugin.
Version: 1
Author: Burgil
Author URI:
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
 * Front end registration
function urlshortener_func( $atts ){
        <form method="post">
        <input class="input" type="text" value="'.$_POST['url'].'" name="url" placeholder="Paste long url and shorten it">
        <div class="customurl"><label>'.get_home_url()."/".'</label><input id="customkey" class="input" type="text" value="'.$_POST['custom'].'" name="custom" placeholder="Enter a custom link"></div>
        <input class="button button-primary" id="shortbtn" style="display: inline;" type="submit" value="Shorten">
        if(empty($_POST['custom'])){$payload=$payload."<h3 style='color:red;border:3px double;width:auto;background: #0000007a;border-radius: 10px;'>ERROR: You entered an empty Custom Link for your shorten URL!</h3>";$isEmpty=true;}
        if(empty($_POST['url'])){$payload=$payload."<h3 style='color:red;border:3px double;width:auto;background: #0000007a;border-radius: 10px;'>ERROR: You entered an empty URL!</h3>";$isEmpty=true;}
            $custom_link = sanitize_title_with_dashes( remove_accents( $_POST['custom'] ) );
            $new_post = array(
                'post_title' => $custom_link,
                'post_content' => $urltoshort,
                'post_status' => 'publish',
                'post_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
                'post_author' => '',
                'post_type' => 'post',
                'post_category' => array(0)
            if(post_exists( $custom_link )==0){
                $post_id = wp_insert_post( $new_post );
                update_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_page_template', 'shorturl.php' );
                $payload=$payload."<h3 style='color:green;border:3px double;width:auto;background: #0000007a;border-radius: 10px;'>SUCCESS: Custom Link Created: <a href='".get_home_url()."/".$custom_link."'>".get_home_url()."/".$custom_link."</a></h3>";
                $payload=$payload."<h3 style='color:red;border:3px double;width:auto;background: #0000007a;border-radius: 10px;'>ERROR: Custom Link '".get_home_url()."/".$custom_link."' Already Exists!</h3>";
        <form method="post">
        <input class="input" type="text" value="" name="url" placeholder="Paste long url and shorten it">
        <div class="customurl"><label></label><input id="customkey" class="input" type="text" value="" name="custom" placeholder="Enter a custom link"></div>
        <input class="button button-primary" id="shortbtn" style="display: inline;" type="submit" value="Shorten">
    return $payload;
add_shortcode( 'urlshortener', 'urlshortener_func' );

Step 3: Activate The Plugin Public URL Shortener

Step 4: Create a new page in your WordPress and name it URL Shortener

Step 5: Add the following shortcode in the content: [urlshortener]

Now open the page you created, make sure to choose a template that has the get_content() function in it and enjoy.

enter image description here


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