Increasing minNumObj increasing accuracy in decision tree
I have been using a J48 classifier in weka and have noticed that increasing minNumObj -- The minimum number of instances per leaf leads to a small accuracy increase.
-M Result. Size Num Leaves
2 73.8281 % 39 20
3 74.2188 % 39 20
4 74.4792 % 37 19
5 74.6094 % 25 13
6 74.2188 % 23 12
7 74.2188 % 23 12
8 74.349 % 23 12
9 75.2604 % 29 15
10 75.5208 % 29 15
11 75% 23 12
12 76.3021 % 23 12
However in several examples such as :
The opposite its shown , which minNumObj increasing lowering the accuracy. The confidence factor was held constant at 1.0 to minimize post-pruning. Cross validation folds for the testing set (crossValidationFolds) was held at 10.
My results were made with a confidence factor of 2.5 but the difference between 2.5 and 1 is minimal.
See section 5.3. Measuring Performance: Precision and Recall
Why is the accuracy in my data going up and not down with an increase of minnumobj?
Topic weka data-mining machine-learning
Category Data Science