Irish Moss and Hefeweizen - use or avoid?
I'm looking to put down a Hefeweizen tonight, and am pondering whether adding Irish Moss to the last 15 mins of the boil would be a good thing, or a bad thing. On the one hand, I would expect the Irish Moss to help clear up some of the unwanted cruft. On the other hand, would the Irish Moss be too effective at cleaning up? Meaning, would the resulting beer be unnaturally clear for the Hefeweizen style?
The recipe: - 60/40 wheat LME - Liberty hops (alpha 3.7%) @60 mins - liquid yeast (WLP300)
My brewing experience: - dabbled some 30 years ago - got back into it a few months back - have only done 2 batches previously, both extracts, the second included specialty grains steeping - never used Irish Moss or any finings before; selected Irish Moss because one of the potential drinkers is vegetarian
Topic wheat irish-moss extract homebrew
Category Mac