Is an 8 litre boil too small for a 23 litre extract kit?
I have 2 10 litre cookpots; one of which I've been using for brewing. I've been working with an 8 litre boil and a 12.5 litre batch size. I want to purchase a 23 litre extract kit. The kit includes 2 x 1.5 litre liquid malt extract cans, along with steeping grains and hops. If I do an 8 litre boil I know I will have darkening of the work and lower hop utilisation. I don't really care too much about the colour at this point, but would the hop utilisation be seriously affected, or would it be fairly minimal, and would this affect more the bitterness, or the flavour. Also would those be the only problems or might there be other issues.
I also considered doing two boils side by side but I only have one sink to chill the work ( using ice around the pot ) .... so I wonder if I put one boil on 20 mins after the other and did it that way would that be better than doing a single 8 litre boil.
I know there's a method of topping up 12-18 hours later but this would not work for me.
Kit - maybe something like this: HBC Full Extract American Pale Ale (23 Litres).
Topic extract-brewing partial-boil boil-kettle homebrew
Category Mac