Is DMS created every time you heat wort?
I've had a few experiences that lead me to suspect this. A few times I've stored a small portion of wort for priming with gyle, and each time I re-boiled the wort for a short period, 10 minutes or so, which I perceived as producing a tremendous amount of DMS that wasn't in the fermenting wort. Also, a couple of times, I've had to re-start a boil, due to equipment issues or running out of propane. Each time the finished beer had a lot of DMS, even when the total boil time was over 2 hours. My suspicion from purely empirical evidence is that each time wort is heated after being cooled, it needs a full hour (or 90 minutes for pilsner) of rolling boil to drive off DMS, even if it had been previously boiled. Is this how DMS works? I had always assumed before, once you had boiled it off, it was gone, but that doesn't seem to be the case from experience.