Is it best to add LME late in the boil?
I just listened to the brew strong episode from nov 29 2010. In it the hosts talk about not boiling LME but instead just adding it straight to the fermentor, or really late in the boil. I have been boiling mine for the full 60 min as instructed by my LHBS. Question is.
-What is the point to not boiling the LME for the full time?
-Can this be done with any LME? I think my LHBS buys in bulk and re-packages (it comes in a plastic tub with thier label but still says it is coopers)
-How will this effect the beer overall in regards to color, clarity, taste etc?
-In regard to these questions, does it change if I do a partial (2.5 gal) boil or a full boil?
Topic late-addition full-boil extract homebrew
Category Mac