Is it possible to check if password is correct in wp_authenticate_user?
I'm really trying to implement Google's Captcha V3 on the wp-login page. I've seen this snippet referenced a few times in different places. The thing is, nobody seems to reference how to check the section that says "// FIXME: This one fires if your password is incorrect... Check if password was incorrect before returning this error..."
Is it possible to have an ajax check if the user's password is correct?
This would be a huge asset to WP development.
* These Functions Add and Verify the Invisible Google reCAPTCHA on Login
add_action('login_enqueue_scripts', 'login_recaptcha_script');
function login_recaptcha_script() {
wp_register_script('recaptcha_login', '');
add_action( 'login_form', 'display_recaptcha_on_login' );
function display_recaptcha_on_login() {
echo "script
function onSubmit(token) {
button class='g-recaptcha' data-sitekey='YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY' data-callback='onSubmit' data-size='invisible' style='display:none;'Submit/button";
add_filter('wp_authenticate_user', 'verify_recaptcha_on_login', 10, 2);
function verify_recaptcha_on_login($user, $password) {
if (isset($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
$response = wp_remote_get( '' . $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'] );
$response = json_decode($response['body'], true);
if (true == $response['success']) {
return $user;
} else {
// FIXME: This one fires if your password is incorrect... Check if password was incorrect before returning this error...
// return new WP_Error( 'Captcha Invalid', __('strongERROR/strong: You are a bot') );
} else {
return new WP_Error( 'Captcha Invalid', __('strongERROR/strong: You are a bot. If not then enable JavaScript.') );
Topic wp-login-form captcha Wordpress
Category Web