Is my data good for (DBSCAN) clustering?
I have a particular dataset consisting of 50k elements with 40 features each. I want to try to cluster the data as it is, without any dimensionality reduction. The main algorithm I am considering is the DBSCAN since is the more versatile and I can accept some poits to result as noise. However how can I judge if the clustering is "significant" since I can't plot the clusters in comparison to the data? Tring to select the paremeters for the DBSCAN I've done a k-nn analysis, but the results worried me. For example, the following is the third nearest neighbor plot. As you can see the distances (y-axis) are pretty much "uniform" along the x-axis (object). Does it mean that the data is somehow uniformly sparse and, in this conditions, clustering is useless?
P.S. I have tried to cluster the data anyway, in particulary using epsilon around 2-2.5 and for different values of min_sample. The silhouette score however results very low, about 0.11, and the noiseless fraction of points is about 80%.
Topic dbscan clustering
Category Data Science