Is my yeast dead or stuck or just fine?
I'm concerned my yeast be dead or stalled, and I'm sure some experienced person can give me some feedback.
This is my first batch of homemade wine. As my first batch, I wanted to do something very simple, so I followed this recipe, with a few small modifications, which uses frozen grape juice concentrate. Obviously, I don't expect world class wine out of this, but the reviews where largely positive.
After reading some comments on the recipe and other guides I did the following:
- Dissolved my sugar in water and let cool to room temperature
- Prepped my yeast with a bit of warm water and sugar for 20 minutes (using this yeast)
- Put the sugar water, yeast, and 2 12 oz cans of grape juice concentrate into a 1 gallon carboy
- I rubber banded a coffee filter over the carboy, and let it ferment for 6 days
Before I put the coffee filter on, I put a double bubble airlock on until the fermentation started (which took less than an hour and this was bubbling nicely). I've checked it every day for 6 days, and I could see bubbles rising up and foaming at the surface, so I know fermentation has been going well. Today it appeared to have slowed down, so I removed the coffee filter and siphoned the wine off the lees into a clean carboy. I added maybe a cup of water because I left a little behind when siphoning and I wanted to make sure I had a gallon. I put a double bubble airlock on, but so far it isn't bubbling at all. Now, I intend to let it do its secondary fermentation for 4 weeks.
Am I still on track (such as it is), or do you think my yeast is stalled or dead? I know the yeast isn't as active in secondary fermentation, but I expected some visible activity. If I'm off track, is there anything I can do to get back on? I'm not sure exactly what to expect at this point. Thank you for your help!
Topic wine fermentation homebrew
Category Mac