Issues with self-implemented logistic regression
I am trying to self-implement a logistic regression algorithm to do some self-learning but I am having a bit of trouble with achieving similar accuracy to the logistic regression of sklearn.
Here is the code I am using (the dataset I am using is the titanic 'training.csv' dataset from kaggle which you can download here if you want to test this out yourself.)
import numpy as np
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#%matplotlib inline
def cost(X, Y, W):
x = matrix of features
y = vector of ground truth labels
w = vector of weight parameters
m = len(Y)
if isinstance(Y, list):
Y = np.array(Y)
return -(1/m) * np.sum([Y*np.log(sigmoid(W, X)), (1-Y)*np.log(1-sigmoid(W, X))])
def sigmoid(w, x):
Hypothesis function of the logisitic regression.
w = column vector of weights
x = column vector of features
z =, x)
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
def grad_descent(A, w, y,
lr = 0.01,
stochastic = False,
max_iter = 1000,
mute = True,
plot = True):
A = design matrix
w = weights column vector
y = ground truth label
lr = learning rate
stochastic = whether to use stochastic gradient descent or not
max_iter = maximum number of epochs to train for
mute = whether to print the current epoch to the screen
plot = whether to plot the loss function after training ends
if not isinstance(A, np.ndarray):
m = A must be a numpy array, got %s
raise TypeError(m % type(A).__name__)
if isinstance(y, list):
y = np.array(y)
y = y.T
y = np.expand_dims(y, axis = 1)
if isinstance(w, list):
w = np.array(w)
# Make w a column vector
w.shape = (A.shape[1], 1)
losses = []
i = 0
while i max_iter:
old_weights = w
# create/update the alpha vector
alpha = [sigmoid(w, A[i, :]) for i in range(A.shape[0])]
if not mute:
print(Epoch %d % (i+1))
if stochastic:
# stochastic grad descent chooses a training point at random
# so here we choose a random row from the matrix A
rand = random.randint(0, A.shape[0]-1)
# select random entries
temp_A = A[rand].T
temp_A = temp_A.reshape(A.shape[1], 1)
temp_b = alpha[rand] - y[rand]
# Calc gradient
grad =, (temp_b))
# Update weights
w = (w.T - (lr * grad)).T
# perform batch gradient descent
# number of samples
m = len(y)
# Calc gradient
grad = (1/m) *, (alpha - y))
# Update weights
w = w - (lr * grad)
if i != 0:
# if loss starts increasing then stop
if cost(A.T, y, w) losses[-1]:
print(Stopping at epoch %d % i)
if plot:
return old_weights
# Track the loss function value
losses.append(cost(A.T, y, w))
# iterate epoch counter
i += 1
print(Stopping at epoch %d % i)
if plot:
return w
if __name__ == __main__:
import pandas as pd
train = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\LENOVO\Documents\Self_Study\titanic\train.csv')
# convert the Sex column to zeros and ones
train['Sex'] = train['Sex'].map({'female': 1, 'male': 0})
# There are some zero values in the fare column, replace these with a more likely value
rows = np.where(train.Fare == np.min(train.Fare))
# assign the mean fare value for the given class these people were staying in
class_ = train.iloc[rows[0], 2].values
for clas, row in zip(class_, rows[0]):
# get the mean
Pclass = train.loc[(train['Pclass'] == clas)]
c_mean = np.mean(Pclass['Fare'])
# assign the value to the proper row
train.iloc[row, 9] = c_mean
# set a learning rate
lr = 0.01
sexes = train.Sex
fares = train.Fare
# scale the fare value by dividing by the highest value so we get a range of 0 - 1
fares = fares/np.max(fares)
# put into matrix format
A = np.array([[1, s, f] for s, f in zip(sexes, fares)])
# create initial weights
w = [0, 0, 0]
# get the ground truth
y = list(train.Survived)
# train the model
weights = grad_descent(A, w, y, lr = 0.01,
stochastic = False)
# Lets use these weights to make predictions on the training data and see how it looks
def classification(weights, features):
prob = sigmoid(weights, features)
if prob .5:
return 1
return 0
correct = 0
for i, row in train.iterrows():
fare = row['Fare']
sex = row['Sex']
A = np.array([[1, sex, fare]])
A.shape = (1, 3)
pred = classification(weights, A[0,:])
if row['Survived'] == pred:
correct += 1
In the end I get around 65% accuracy, while using sklearn I can get 78% accuracy. I understand that sklearn's algorithm is likely much more sophisticated than mine, but I was hoping I could at least come close (maybe in the 70's). Any advice?
Topic implementation logistic-regression scikit-learn python machine-learning
Category Data Science